Tourist Info:
Opens Daily including holidays - Tunnel gate closes at 18:00 and reopens at 06:00
Last time to start the hike is 16:30
US$1 per pedestrian
US$5 per car
Cash only
1.3km (one-way) Trail Hike (from the trailhead to the summit of Diamond Head Crater), and 560 feed (171m) climb from the crater floor.
Sweeping views of south-eastern O'ahu coastline towards Koko Head and the offshore islands of Moloka'i, Lana'i and Maui.
Allow 1.5-2 hours for a leisurely round-trip hike.
Brochure Info:
Lē‘ahi is believed to have been formed about 300,000 years ago during a single, brief eruption. The broad crater covers 350 acres with its width being greater than its height.
It is said that Hi'iaka, sister of the fire goddess Pele, gave Lē‘ahi its name because the summit resembles the forehead (lae) of the 'ahi fish. Another translation is "fire headland" and refers to the navigational fires that were lit at the summit to assist canoes travelling along the shoreline.